When You're Told to Go - GO!
No Time to Waste
During a Voluntary Evacuation, it's your choice to move from an area of danger to an area of safety either on your own or under the direction of local authorities. Under voluntary evacuation notices, there are no consequences for failing to leave, but it is still highly suggested you begin preparing to leave your home or business.
During a Mandatory Evacuation, the situation has become too dangerous for people to remain in their home or business. If people choose not to leave, there is no guarantee that emergency personal can reach you if you change your mind and need help evacuating. Take the warnings seriously and leave immediately.
Safely Evacuating People and Animals - NOT Things

Voluntary Evacuation - What to Do
Locate People
Locate family members or others you share a house with and make sure they are safe.
If you have children in school, you should get a text or email from them letting you know what their plan is to get the students to safety. Do not call the school because staff will be busy getting the children taken care of.
Initiate Plan
If you already have a disaster plan, get the list of what you need to do and start prioritizing and completing tasks.
If you don't have a disaster plan, click on the link below for a list of tasks, and complete the ones that will help you prepare to evacuate.
Locate and Secure Animals
Locate indoor animals and put them in a room and close the door.
Locate animals outside (cats and dogs) and bring them indoors and put in a room and close the door.
Locate large animals and poultry and get them into a barn or other secured enclosure.
Put collar and ID on all animals that don't currently have it.
Determine how many people and animals need to be evacuated.
Determine what vehicles and/or trailers are available to move people and animals.
If you don't have sufficient transportation start locating some backups.
Check the gas level in all vehicles and if there is enough time go get gas and top off the tank(s).
Know Where to Go
Ideally you will have family or friends who live out of the affected area you can stay with.
If you don't have family or friends to stay with locate a hotel and make reservations.
If you can't afford a hotel, the official news sources will begin letting people know where evacuation shelters for people and animals will be located.
Get People to Help
If there is time for family and friends to safely reach your location, ask them for help.
They can help pack and transporting what you are taking.
They can start transporting animals.
They can make phone calls regarding lodging for you.
They can get any children evacuated so that is one less thing you have to think about.
Gather Essentials
If you already have a prioritized what to grab list of the things you want to take, start gathering the items.
If you don't have a list, click on the link below for a list of suggested items.
Remember essential items like important papers, medicine (people and animals), medical devices, glasses, phone/charger, money and wallets, computer and tablet.
Move Large Animals
If you have a lot of animals, especially large ones, the sooner you can start moving them to safety the better.
Roads can get really congested so leave before the crowds.
If the Voluntary Evacuation becomes a Mandatory one, you will not be allowed back to your property to retrieve any animals you still have not moved.
If time and space allow bring feed.
Be Ready to Leave
If time allows, there are things you can do to protect your home before you leave. If you click on the link below you will find a list of some of these things.
When you feel you have done as much as you can, retrace your steps and see if you forgot anything.
Have vehicles/trailers loaded and pointed in the direction of where you will be exiting your property.

For more detailed information on creating
your Personal Disaster Plan, click on the link below.
Mandatory Evacuation - What to Do
Locate People
Locate and gather family members or others you share a house with that are at home.
If you have children in school, you should get a text or email from them letting you know what their plan is to get the students to safety. Do not call the school because staff will be busy getting the children taken care of.
Initiate Plan
If you already have a disaster plan, get the list of what you need to do when you are under a Mandatory Evacuation and start prioritizing and completing tasks.
If you don't have a disaster plan, click on the link below for a list of tasks, and complete the ones that will help you evacuate quickly.
Locate and Secure Animals
Locate indoor and outdoor animals (cats and dogs). Put them in a transport cage and/or grab leashes for dogs and attach to collar.
Put animals in vehicle(s).
Put collar and ID on all animals that don't currently have it.
Locate large animals and poultry.
If there is not time to gather and load large animals and poultry turn them loose.
Gather Essentials
If you already have a prioritized what to grab list of the things you want to take when under a Mandatory Evacuation, start gathering the items.
If you don't have a list, click on the link below for a list of suggested items.
Remember essential items like important papers, medicine (people and animals), medical devices, glasses, phones/chargers, money and wallets, computers and tablets.
Determine how many people and animals need to be evacuated.
Determine what vehicles and/or trailers are available to move people and animals.
Check gas level in vehicle(s). Do not take a vehicle that might run out of gas.
Start loading people.
Start loading large animals and poultry if time allows.
Know Where to Go
If you have not pre-determined what your options are for places to go when you evacuate, do not delay trying to figure this out at this point.
It's critical that you do not delay getting people and as many animals as possible moved as quickly as possible.
First priority is to get to a safe location, even if it is a parking lot outside of the evacuation area.
Once you are safe then you can figure out a temporary place to stay.